Watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians : season 6 Episode 7 : The Have and the Have Nots Online Stream

If you have nothing to do on Sunday night, and would simply waste your time, why not indulge in mischief and intelligence with the Season 6 Episode 7 Kardashian? Yes, I know it's a complete waste of time, but it's pretty fun right? Vain women with beautiful faces and fantastic shapes, and they come with hot men and plenty of stupidity. If you feel you are so shallow and superficial, you just have to see to follow the Kardashian and you will probably feel better.

In the previous episode, Kim learned that you have psoriasis. According to Kim dermatologist, is not curable, but controllable. His advice was for her to take a slower pace, but Kim Kardashian, for the love of God! Kim psoriasis worse so I wanted to cancel their advertising shot, but it was the day before and would not be possible, so he started going crazy. In addition, Bruce discovered that Kendall is a contraceptive method and only 15 years! Kris Bruce says birth control is for Kendall bad menstrual cramps. Kris has decided to work for Bruce to give the girls talk about sex, but I was having. Khloe Bruce decided to ask for more help to talk about sex has to give. Khloe dinner Bruce fielded to bring up the subject of sex. He handled everything very well.

So what happened in the episode last week. If you want more of this nonsense, see Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 6 Episode 7: Have and Have Not. This episode is entitled "To Have and have-nots" and will air every Sunday, July 21, 2011 at 10/9c on E!.